A visit to the Rio Genal from 0815-1000hrs produced some good sightings including:
Some distant Griffon Vulture over Sierra Crestellina, 2 Booted Eagle, 3 Grey Heron,
Little-ringed Plover, at least 3
Turtle Dove, 20+ Wood Pigeon, Great-spotted Woodpecker, 15+
European Bee-eater, at least 5
Golden Oriole (4 juv/fem and 1 male), Spotless Starling, Common Swift, Barn Swallow,
Common Kingfisher, White Wagtail, Stonechat,
Short-toed Treecreeper, European Robin, Spotted Flycatcher, Cetti's Warbler, Chiffchaff sp., Sardinian Warbler, Chaffinch, Goldfinch and (best of all?) a lovely adult
Rock Sparrow.
The river at this point is non-existent, at least above ground, so the Kingfisher must have caught its breakfast further upstream where there is likely to still be some water.
Juv Golden Oriole (and Spotless Starling) |
Juv Golden Oriole |
Juv Golden Oriole |
Rio Genal |
Juvenile European Bee-eater |
Redundant 'bridge' over the river |
Turtle Dove |
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