After a couple of dry, warm days with fresh easterly winds, today was very warm, 21C; though, as I write this, the rain has arrived and it feels a lot cooler!
On Friday there was a
Dartford Warbler in the scrub below the track that follows on from Camino de Avedin and a Common Raven over the camino.
This morning from 0930-1200hrs I checked out the track that runs from opposite Algatocin school up to 'Las Pilas'. Despite the presence of a couple of hunters I managed quite a good list:
20+ Griffon Vulture, adult
Bonelli's Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, male
Lesser Kestrel, Common Kestrel, Eurasian Jay, Blue Rock Thrush, 2
Black Wheatear, 3 Song Thrush, Blackbird, 20+ Spotless Starling (one imitating a Golden Oriole), 45+ Crag Martin, Black Redstart, Stonechat, White Wagtail, Meadow Pipit,
Thekla Lark, 6 (presumed from those that called) Common Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Sardinian Warbler, male
Dartford Warbler, Blue Tit, Serin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Linnet, House Sparrow and Cirl Bunting; Red-legged Partridge and 2 Woodlark were heard.
Los Castaños (chestnut trees) looking great despite the gloom! |
There's a Bonelli's Eagle in this foto! |
Bonelli's Eagle |
Griffon Vulture |
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