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Tuesday 16 September 2014, Gaucin, partly cloudy, intermittent light rain, light SW wind, 26C

Today saw the first 'rain' (very light showers) since 24 June and the frequent brooding skies over El Hacho were a strange sight! Although the temperature did reach 26C at one point, for most of the day it was down in the low 20s. There was some light raptor passage throughout the day with 2 'kettles' of 15 Honey Buzzard just south-east of El Hacho at 1000hrs and small groups, including 10 Black Kite, and singles moving through between 1030-1130hrs. There were two 'local' pale morph Booted Eagle and a Short-toed Eagle around all day and small numbers of Honey Buzzard continued to move through during the afternoon; also seen was one Pallid Swift over Calle Convento and quite a few Griffon Vulture, the largest group being 30+. Tim Birkhead reported 70+ Griffon Vulture and a Montagu's Harrier over El Hacho during the afternoon.

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