Another run of cold, damp days since the weekend with little of note bird-wise; Monday saw 7mm rain and Tuesday, after a bright start, saw 1mm during a very cold, just 6C, afternoon. Birds are trying to convince themselves that Spring is around the corner with Serin, Blackcap, Blackbird, European Robin, Wren (a couple of males were having a singing duel on Monday) and Chaffinch all singing well; even a few short phrases from Common Chiffchaff. The Green Woodpecker in the 'Avedin' valley is quite vocal; there are still a fair number of Song Thrush around, though Black Redstart numbers are dwindling as they begin to move back up into the mountains. Below the castle there was a Dull Ophrys
Ophrys fusca orchid in flower and also several small groups of the delicate Paper-white Narcissus
Narcissus papyraceus.
This afternoon I saw my first
Barn Swallow of the year in the valley below Calle del Pino and a little further away, towards the Rio Genal, a
Northern Goshawk was performing its undulating display flight.
The Almond blossom hints at the arrival of Spring
Paper-white Narcissus (taken with phone!) |
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