Monday 05 December, 1530-1700hrs, west slope of El Hacho, fresh NW wind, sunny, 16C. Another superb sunny day even though the fresh NW wind took the edge off a bit! This warm, dry late autumn weather is very similar to last year - will we get the same long spells of rain later? Before going to El Hacho I had a quick look down the Los Ranosos track opposite La Almuna - lots of bird activity mainly Blackcap, Black Redstart, Goldfinch, also Chiffchaff, a pair of Raven, Sparrowhawk and a group of 9 Griffon Vulture. At El Hacho the Southern Grey Shrike was still there (couldn't resist another photo!) and in full song! Also seen were 15 Griffon Vulture, Common Kestrel, 2x Raven (same pair as earlier?), Black Redstart (not quite so many as last month), Stonechat, Cirl Bunting, Corn Bunting (see photo), Sardinian Warbler and Blackcap. It's a bit quieter now that the passage birds have gone - there are especially noticeably fewer Chiffchaff. Also a photo of the moon rising over the summit of El Hacho.
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