Sunday 28 November, small wooded area alongside Camino de Gibraltar, 1630-1730hrs, partly cloudy, cold: Finally managed to get out after being busy with other things (dentist again!) and then two days of rain....Plenty of Blackcap, also Chiffchaff sp., Sardinian warbler, Chaffinch, Song thrush, Great tit, Blue tit, Wren, Blackbird, Robin, Stonechat, Black redstart, 20+ Griffon vulture between Gaucin and Sierra Crestellina, Spotless starling, Goldfinch, Linnet. The Common buzzard was stll around in the fields to the East of the track.
Monday 22 November, Track from San Pablo de Buceite to Marchenilla, 1530-1700hrs, partly cloudy: Lots of Common buzzard around, at least 6 along the 1km stretch I was watching, including two being mobbed by a couple of Raven. Also seen were Cattle egret, Griffon vulture, Common kestrel, Crag martin, Serin (still singing), Spotless starling, Corn bunting, Cirl bunting, Stonechat, Meadow pipit, mixed flocks of 100+ Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Linnet and in a newly ploughed field a flock of more than 50 White/Pied wagtail. Bird of the day was a Golden plover flying low overhead just as I was about to leave.
Thursday 18 November, Camino de Gibraltar, 1530-1630hrs, partly cloudy: A quick check of the area below the water treatment works yielded the following: Common buzzard (Juvenile, see photos), Sparrowhawk, Griffon vulture, Black redstart, Blackcap (one small almond tree had at least 5 chasing around it!), Chiffchaff sp., Grey wagtail, Cetti's warbler, Stonechat, Goldfinch, Greenfinch.
Tuesday 16 November, 12:30hrs: 2x Common buzzard, both very striking pale individuals, over the Gaucin-Manilva road about 2k outside Gaucin village. 1630hrs - (one of the above?) Common buzzard over Calle Convento, Gaucin. Also, our annual ventrilloquist Starling has returned to the Calle Convento gardens and so far it's managed good renditions of Blackbird, Golden oriole, Common buzzard and a snippet of Bee-eater!
Saturday 13 November, La Umbria, Gaucin, 0930-1100hrs, cool, clear skies: 3x Great-spotted woodpecker drumming, several Chiffchaff sp., Firecrest, Common buzzard heard calling, 6x Griffon vulture also Robin, Blackbird, Blackcap, Sardinian warbler, Song thrush, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Nuthatch, Jay, Blue tit, Wren, Meadow pipit.
Wednesday 10 November, Camino de Gibraltar, Gaucin, 1700-1800hrs, partly cloudy, cold wind: Lots of Black redstart, Blackcap (their harsh 'teck, teck' call seemed to be heard at every turn!), a few Chiffchaff sp., Griffon vulture, small flocks of Goldfinch, also Greenfinch, Song thrush, Great spotted woodpecker, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Cetti's warbler and Sardinian warbler.
Thursday 04 November: The young Griffon vulture, pictured above, was found exhausted just below Gaucin castle. From the rings on it's feet we were able to find out that it was born in France in Grands Causses (Cévennes) and was ringed in the nest on 25 May 2010 in Tarn Gorge, Municipality "les Vignes", Département "Lozère" in the "Languedoc Roussillon" region. This was the first time it had been recorded since it left the nest. Based on this information it seems likely that it was migrating south when, for some reason, it lost contact with the rest of it's flock. The Environment Agency were contacted and they collected the bird and took it to a rescue centre near Malaga where it will be allowed to recuperate before being released into the local population.
Wednesday 03 November, sunny, calm, warm: A dreaded visit to the dentist provided an opportunity to drop in to Laguna de Torreguadiaro, just next to Puerto Sotogrande....a 15min stay produced a Purple swamphen, one Little bittern; a brief glimpse as it was flushed by a Moorhen, 4x Little egret, several Little grebe, Coot, Moorhen, one Great cormorant, Black redstart, Cetti's warbler, Willow warbler, Crag martin and Barn swallow. Just a note...if you are thinking of visiting the reserve the hide was locked today....
Wednesday 03 November: 
The weather remains glorious, clear sky, no wind, unbroken sunshine. From our top terrace this afternoon we sat in lovely afternoon temperatures reading and sipping cool drinks.

The local palm trees are laden with fruit, Blackcaps are eating the berries whilst Chiffchaffs are feeding on the insects around them. Griffon Vultures drift over now and then and Black Redstarts are becoming increasingly more common. the local Blue Rock Thrushes are in fine song.
The weather remains glorious, clear sky, no wind, unbroken sunshine. From our top terrace this afternoon we sat in lovely afternoon temperatures reading and sipping cool drinks.

The local palm trees are laden with fruit, Blackcaps are eating the berries whilst Chiffchaffs are feeding on the insects around them. Griffon Vultures drift over now and then and Black Redstarts are becoming increasingly more common. the local Blue Rock Thrushes are in fine song.
Tuesday 02 November, Encinas Borrachas between Atajate and Ronda, 1000-1230hrs, sunny but a strong, cold NW wind! Woodlark, Meadow pipit, flocks of 100+ of both Goldfinch and Linnet, 20 Griffon vulture, Kestrel, Blue rock thrush, Mistle thrush, Thekla lark, great views of Southern grey shrike eating a huge black beetle, Red-billed chough, Sardinian warbler, Willow warbler, Pied wagtail. Had hoped to see Ring ouzel, what with the abundance of berries this year, but no luck.
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