Thursday 26 August, Rio Palmones, Los Barrios, 0800-1100hrs, mostly clear and very warm. A morning visit to the estuary at Palmones, (just behind the Los Barrios shopping complex!) brought a good list of waders: Redshank, Greenshank, Ringed plover, Kentish plover, Grey plover, Common sandpiper, Green sandpiper, Dunlin, Sanderling, Knot, Little stint, Turnstone, Whimbrel. As well as the waders other birds seen included: White stork, Grey heron, Common tern, Sandwich tern, Little tern, Kingfisher, Montagu's harrier (juvenile). Flying towards the coast from Los Barrios direction were two groups of Honey buzzard, totalling approx. 25. It's quite early for their return migration to be underway but it was confirmed by a flock of 50 seen near Jimera de la Frontera on the way home. Here we also saw 40+ Griffon vulture, several Black kite amongst the buzzards, Montagu's harrier (1cy male?), Common buzzard, several Booted eagle, a couple of Short-toed eagle, Little owl, Red-rumped swallow and a Lesser kestrel. There were still a few Swift around but numbers are dwindling rapidly. Photos of Whimbrel, Turnstone and Knot by Wingspanner.
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