An 08:00hrs visit to the cork/chestnut woods at Salto de Cura was rather quiet; fortunately, the thick mist of yesterday evening had dissipated but it remained cool and there was only
60+ European Bee-eater high up, half-a-dozen passing
Honey Buzzard and a couple of Long-tailed Tit of note.
Next was the Las Pilas track (the old Ronda road) above Algatocin and, despite it also being quiet, we did log some good species including:
Montagu's Harrier, Common Kestrel, Eurasian Sparrowhawk,
70+ Alpine Swift, Blue Rock Thrush, Spotless Starling, Stonechat,
Black Redstart,
Melodious Warbler,
Common Whitethroat and Serin.
A light breeze brought a chill to the air at Encinas Borrachas and T-shirts were barely sufficient - the temperature having dropped by 12C since the same time yesterday! Some nice species were seen though, which made up for the discomfort:
20+ Griffon Vulture, female
Marsh Harrier, 10+
Honey Buzzard, superb views of
Short-toed Eagle,
Booted Eagle, Peregrine,
Southern Grey Shrike, Thekla Lark,
Tawny Pipit, female/1st summer
Whinchat and several passing Barn Swallow; Bonelli's Warbler was heard. Interestingly, there was no sign of Northern or Black-eared Wheatear, nor Subalpine, Spectacled or Dartford Warbler all of which had been seen here just a week ago.
By early afternoon the clouds had rolled in we had the first rain of the autumn - a total of 5mm.
The Casares wind turbines shrouded in cloud after the rain |