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Wednesday 31 March: Anyone else noticed there seem to be a lot more blackbirds singing around the village this year?
Saturday 28 March - Nightingales heard in Las Palas valley. Plenty of Bee-eaters passing through.
Saturday 27 March 2010: Black-shouldered Kite. One adult flying North over Gaucin village at 08:30 (first spotted by Janys Fletcher!).

Welcome to Birdwatch Gaucin

Welcome to Birdwatch Gaucin!
The aim of this blog is simple - to record bird sightings in and around Gaucin. We have a fantastic variety of birds that live in or visit the area and it would be great to have somewhere where we can publish our observations for others to see. If you'd like to contribute on a regular basis please ask and I'll add you as an author otherwise just send me your sightings or other observations by email (the usual, bird, location, etc.) and I'll add them to the blog.
Happy birding!